Thursday, September 3, 2009

About Me

ADPR 4600 About Me

What’s your full name? Paige Michele Jorgensen
Were you named after anyone? No
Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it? None
What’s your astrological sign? The two fish, Pisces
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning person, I love my sleep
Do you wish on stars? Shooting ones
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Never, and I hate untying them when I go to put them back on
Do you have tattoos ? No
What do you do most often when you are bored? Send out texts to my friends to do something
Donkey or Elephant or Neither? Donkey! Who has ever heard of getting a nice piece of elephant
What makes you angry? People who walk slowly or stand on the left side of an escalator
What did you do last night? I met a friend for dinner then went out for free drinks at Caffrey's Lady's Night
What frightens you? Losing family and friends
How many keys are on your key ring? Depends on which key ring, the one in my school bag has 4
What do you do to relax? Watch crappy TV
Do you believe in superstitions? Not wholeheartedly
Have you attended a church or religious event outside of your own? Yes, I find them interesting and love when friends invite me
Name a foreign language that you know. French. Six years of studying it, and I remember not a thing
Name three things most people don’t know about you.
1. I was one of the 200 girls to attend an all-male high school.
2. I have a weird obsession with the state of Montana, ask me anything I probably know it.
3. I claim that I live in the city of Chicago, but honestly I live four blocks from the city limits.

Family, Pets, & Friends

Do you have any siblings? I am the older sister of Ian, a senior in high school, and Clare, a freshman in high school.
Who is your best friend in high school? Amy and Jackie
Do/did you have any pets? I have a dog named Doug
Cat person or dog person? Dog!
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Bridget


What states have you been to? I think it is easier to say where I haven't been Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Rhode Island and there might be a few more in there.
What countries have you been to? Mexico, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark and France
In how many states have you lived? I have lived in Illinois, Wisconsin and DC (technically a district but who knows statehood could happen)
When is the last time did you take a train? A few weeks ago I took an eL


What do you like to eat for breakfast? I eat anything for breakfast but I am weird and don't like breakfast foods. I don't like eggs or maple syrup.
What is your favorite food? That changes on my craving
What foods do you dislike? Eggs and maple syrup
What ethnic food do you like and dislike? I like roti and hate goat. Yes I have eaten goat.
What is your favorite chip flavor? Barbeque
What is your favorite sandwich? Jimmy Johns number 4 without, no mayo with mustard
What is your favorite drink? Odwala Green machine
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough
What’s your favorite salad dressing? Oil and vinegar
Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? Buttered and salted
What’s your favorite pie? Cherry pie (also my favorite dessert)
What’s your favorite fast food place? Portillos


Which Harry Potter characters are you? Hermoine- smart, strong, a little nerdy with attitude
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Funny People, not so funny
What is your favorite TV show? Greek
Last book you read. The Women
What picture is on your computer wallpaper? Looking at the Jefferson Memorial from the Tidal Basin during the Cherry Blossom Festival
What is your ring tone? I always have my phone on silent or vibrate
What are three favorite songs on your iPod? Kanye's Workout Plan, The Unicorn Song (seriously) and Say by John Mayer
Do you have a Facebook page? Who doesn't
Do you have a Twitter account? Yes, and I am proud of it. Follow me paigemichel
Do you have a blog? Yes, you are reading it


Where would you retire to? The beach
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Java
Would you ever bungee jump? Skydive? Yes and Yes
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Evergreen Green

Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.

As PR students we write, we write all the time. We are taught how to write releases, PSAs and even Tweets. Versatility has to come with you job to know the audience that you are writing for. I have written for a variety of internships and jobs from a car-agency advertising agency to the fourth most powerful U.S. Senator. Every new job is even more exciting and challenging. I know how to write for others; how to immerse myself in the culture and write for the audience. But what about when you write for yourself? Who is your audience? What style do you write in? That is what I still grapple with.

A blog is supposed to be a manifestation of yourself to the world. Of course I am not going to show the side that sits on the couch and watches Tool Academy on VH1, but I still want to stay true to me. Blogging for this class will be a lesson in self-discovery and I am excited to dive in.

And by the way, I am not brilliant enough to think of the title for my post. Its a quote from Benjamin Franklin.